Small Business Health Insurance: An Owner Should Ask These Questions!

Do you run a small business? Want to add value to retain the best employees? Then go for small business health insurance plans! Health insurance can help your business grow by offering you and your employees quality medical care. Though, health insurance laws and insurance plans change annually. And it can be confusing. Here are some common questions you must ask when establishing a health insurance benefit! The Questions A Small Business Owner Should Ask When Establishing A Health Insurance Benefit Is Small Business Health Insurance Required By Law? Small business owners don't need to offer health insurance as no law requires them to do so. However, under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), large employers with a minimum of 50 full-time employees may be subject to penalties if they fail to provide health coverage. On the other hand, small businesses that have fewer than 50 full-time-equivalent employees will not face any penalty for not providing health insurance. Is My Small Business...